With the help of our dear friends from Mliječna industrija 99 (Mi99), La Primera team has organized an outdoor workshop for their students of English and German languages. The outdoor workshop took place on Saturday, 21 May 2018.Our students have had an opportunity to expand their vocabulary with the words concerning products made from milk and we have also talked about the domestic animals we get the milk from- cows. Mi99 was founded in 2015, and the core business of their company, which is located in Gradačac, is processing and selling milk products. Our students have had a lot of fun learning through different educational games, but what made them really happy were the presents they got from our friends from Mi99.
With the hope that our friendship will continue in the future, we leave you with the pictures that will show how much fun we all had together.
Uz pomoć naših dragih prijatelja iz Mliječne industrije 99 (Mi99), tim La Primera organizovao je radionicu na otvorenom za svoje učenike engleskog i njemačkog jezika. Radionica na otvorenom je održana u subotu, 21.maja 2018. godine. Naši učenici su imali priliku proširiti svoj vokabular riječima o proizvodima od mlijeka, te smo razgovarali o domaćim životinjama od kojih dobijamo mlijeko- kravama. Mi99 je osnovana 2015. godine, a osnovna djelatnost tvrtke, koja se nalazi u Gradačcu, je prerada i prodaja mliječnih proizvoda. Naši učenici su se zabavili učeći kroz različite obrazovne igre, ali ono što ih je učinilo stvarno sretnima bili su pokloni koje su dobili od naših prijatelja iz Mi99.
U nadi da će se naše prijateljstvo nastaviti i u budućnosti, ostavljamo vas sa slikama koje će pokazati koliko smo se svi zajedno zabavili.